Sunday, August 17, 2008

Saddleback Forum

Ok, so I'll be posting about politics a lot. Here's my take on Saddleback forum with Rick Warren.

I thought John McCain came off as a dangerous war mongering simpleton. His war stories are like listening to grandpa tell the same POW stories over and over. He didn't answer the questions, he gave pat answers. But he did it "decisively". Decisiveness is why the US is on the brink of disaster.

This was McCain's crowd: $2000 a head, rich, Orange County evangelicals. For Obama to get any applause at all was a major achievement. I thought his answers were very good. However, he's going to have to tone down his brain to appeal to "low information" voters - a euphemism for stupid voters.

I thought the format was good, and I liked Rick Warren in the first hour. However it became clear that he's a snake oil salesman in the second hour. They had clearly given the questions to McCain in advance. He was answering them with rehearsed answers even before the questions were asked.

So kudos to Obama for at least trying to score a few points with this evil bunch.

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